资 (zi) facilities, materials; serve
生 (sheng) give birth, live; raw, immature
丸 (wan) pill
The dosage form is brown pills, the taste is sweet, sour, bitter.
(党参dang shen (炒chao - fried))
(白日bai shu (炒chao – fried))
(山shan yao)
(茯苓fu Ling)
(山shan zha (炭tan – coal))
(六神曲liu shen qu)
(麦芽mai ya (焦jiao - burnt, overburnt))
(薏苡仁yi yi ren)
(黄连huang lian)
(豆蔻dou kou)
(甘草gan cao (制zhi - manufactured))
(广蕾香guang lei xiang)
(桔梗jie geng)
(陈皮chen pi)
(泽泻ze xie)
(莲子lian zi)
(白扁豆bai bian dou (炒chao - fried))
(芡实qian shi)
Heal/strengthen spleen, stimulate appetite, restore digestion, stop diarrhea.
With splenic and gastric insufficiency, fatigue, powerlessness, abdominal distention, diarrhea. Available without prescription.
Per os 10 pcs. 3 times a day.
Do not eat raw, cold, spicy, oily, fatty foods while taking the medicine.
Take with caution during breast-feeding.
If after 3 days of taking the drug does not improve, the symptoms worsen or there are side effects, stop taking the drug and consult a doctor for diagnosis.
In chronic and ulcerative colitis, accompanied by a stool with pus and blood, and other chronic diseases, after treatment of diarrhea, take under the guidance of a doctor.
The dosage for children should be set under the guidance of a doctor or pharmacist.
Take with caution to people prone to allergic reactions.
Do not use the drug when changing its appearance and properties.
Children take under the control of adults.
Keep your medications out of the reach of children.
When taken together with other medicines to consult your doctor.
It is not recommended during pregnancy.